Hyper Killer Corebook v1.2, Podreczniki RPG, Hyper Killer

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"Violence in a future time"
By James Mathe
Revision 1.2
Additional Credits:
Kimara Bernard, Simon Mellor, Laurel Stuart
Cover Illustration:
V. Shane -
Cover Framework:
Clarence Harrison
Short Story:
Pete Hernandez -
Interior Illustrations:
Guns & Combat:
Noel Murphy -
Alberto Rios -
Hover Cycle:
Will Hammock -
Dulkan & Kimarik-3:
V. Shane -
Power Armor:
Fritz Pascual
Pete Hernandez -
Character Sheet:
Amalor Myrnnyx
Excel Auto Calc Sheet:
Steve Mulhern
Recommended for mature readers.
Copyright © 2001 by MINION GAMES
( Division of Minion Development Corp. )
All Right Reserved
Table of Contents
..................................................................... 3
THE GAME: .................................................................................................................... 8
WELCOME TO KIMARIK-3 ........................................................................................ 9
BASIC RULES:.............................................................................................................. 12
STATS:............................................................................................................................ 13
DULKANS RACE PACKAGE: ............................................................................... 13
PHYSICAL:.................................................................................................................... 14
SKILLS:.......................................................................................................................... 15
DISADVANTAGES:...................................................................................................... 17
EXPERIENCE: .............................................................................................................. 18
LEARNING:................................................................................................................... 18
COMBAT RULES: ........................................................................................................ 19
TO HIT: .......................................................................................................................... 20
ARMOR & SHEILDS: .................................................................................................. 21
DAMAGE: ...................................................................................................................... 21
ACRONYM GLOSSARY.............................................................................................. 22
CREDIT TUBE CHARTS: ........................................................................................... 23
SUPPLIES LIST............................................................................................................. 23
MEDICAL SUPPLIES .................................................................................................. 25
VISION AIDS ................................................................................................................. 27
ARMOR & SHIELDS: .................................................................................................. 28
WEAPONS LIST ........................................................................................................... 30
WEAPONS: TECH 1-4 ........................................................................................... 31
WEAPONS: TECH 5-6 ........................................................................................... 33
WEAPONS: TECH 7 .............................................................................................. 34
WEAPONS: TECH 8 .............................................................................................. 36
WEAPONS: TECH 9 .............................................................................................. 38
WEAPONS: TECH 10 ............................................................................................ 39
WEAPONS: TECH 11+.......................................................................................... 39
HAND TO HAND WEAPONS ..................................................................................... 41
HAND TO HAND: TECH 1-4................................................................................. 41
HAND TO HAND: TECH 7 .................................................................................... 41
HAND TO HAND: TECH 8 .................................................................................... 42
HAND TO HAND: TECH 9 .................................................................................... 42
HAND TO HAND: TECH 10 .................................................................................. 42
GRENADES & EXPLOSIVES ..................................................................................... 42
WEAPON ADD-ONS..................................................................................................... 44
SPECIAL ITEMS........................................................................................................... 46
CRITICAL HIT CHARTS............................................................................................ 47
Critical Hit Damage types:..................................................................................... 47
CRUSH Critical Table............................................................................................ 48
HEAT Critical Table............................................................................................... 49
IMPACT / RAD Critical Table ............................................................................... 50
PUNCTURE Critical Table .................................................................................... 51
RADIATION Critical Table .................................................................................... 52
SHRAPNAL Critical Table ..................................................................................... 53
SLASH Critical Table ............................................................................................. 54
UNBALANCE Critical Table .................................................................................. 55
SO LONG AND THANKS FOR ALL THE FISH… .................................................. 56
Too many mods between her and now for that to have
been me.
Mary’s my one and only. Mary helps me pay the bills,
helps me get creds for food, helps keep Dante off my back
long enough to score some more creds to pay him off a
little more and the cycle keeps on a rockin’.
Damn, eleven o’clock, I’ll bet shells to syringes that those
friggin’ bots will be here by midnight.
Undoing the explosive by the door is a bitch considering
how hungover I am, but I’ve done this so many times I
could handle it in the dark. I have to be real careful
undoing the tripwire since this is my only Belly Ripper.
Friggin’ things cost an arm and a leg, literally.
Damn, where can I score some currency? Slums are
where I can find me some decent parts, but…one check
on Mary tells me I got enough shells
to take on one gang
before I have to start running. That’s not good considering
I ain’t never paid off a cop in that sector. They’ll bust me
for manslaughter and sell my ass to the Body Bank for
donut money. Fuckin’ Stiffjacks!
I need a rush and got only three Blood-Hypes left…did I
thank Idaho last night?
Hell, I’ll settle up with him later.
Okay, by the time I get to the air lift the stim will have
kicked in and I’ll need to be outside badly. Side effects
are a bitch if you stay indoors too long.
Goddamn cabin fever times a hundred.
I check the hall both ways before raising the visor on my
helmet. I swear this thing makes me look like a bug, but
like they say “Precision over style keeps your flesh free of
No bots, so it’s a quick jog to the lift.
“Dexter, is that you?”
I turn and there’s Mrs. Rodriguez and her shotgun.
I try and look out for her as often as I can, make sure her
son stays away from The Light Boys -- and check the
alarm system on her car once a month to make sure the
voltage is high enough to stop car thieves. I think she’s
electrocuted thirteen with that old Duster 397 in the two
years I’ve known her. Cool old lady.
“Hey Mrs. R, what’s the deal?”
She’s got a face like a British Bulldog, cute and ugly at
the same time.
“Ay’ Dexter, I heard a noise and just had to check ‘cos
Raulito is no home yet. You no see him?”
“’Fraid not hon, but if I do you know I’ll send him right
She looks down at the rifle in her hands lovingly. She
smiles and cocks it loudly just to prove it’s still got balls.
I love that crazy old broad. She smiles and strokes her
weapon tenderly.
“You’s a fine ass mamita! See you later!”
“Adios chico, quidate!” She slams the door shut and starts
the Lock Ritual.
The clacking and clattering continues even after I step in
the lift and start down toward the lobby.
Nothing Going On But the Rent”
A short story by: Pete Hernandez
Neon sunset is what I wake up to -- that and the
electric buzz in my head from the Bio-Alarm. Takes the
term biological clock to a whole new level, y’know?
Flashing sign outside my window asks me if I want girls
then booze, or booze then girls.
What time is it? Mary has a timer just above her cartridge
10:30 in the evening. Not bad, I’m up earlier than usual.
Must be because I’m flat ass broke and starving. I roll
over and stroke Mary gently, tracing my fingers across
her shiny skin, my beautiful deadly love.
The noise of hover traffic outside always sounds like
giant angry hummingbirds to me. Cars flash by my
window and I’m forty-seven stories up. Couldn’t afford to
live any higher.
This room looks like I smell. I really need to change my
clothes from last night…. Jesus, what was I drinking and
where the hell’s my cred tube?
I unsling Mary and lay her across the bed before
beginning the ritual cleaning. She always gets cleaned
first ‘cos if I’m cleaned first and Top Floor Pirates smash
in through the window I’m spare parts for the Body
Banks, some lucky sonuvabitch will be selling me for a
four course muncher at Garnel’s on the corporate level.
Now so long as Mary’s clean and primed for action and
some lowlife’s try and roll me, well then I can blast ‘em
all to hell, then go clean myself up.
Fifty caliber rifle with a grenade launcher attachment may
seem like strange bedfellows for some but not me -- for
me, a guy with no real job and lots of debts, it’s the only
things I’ll let crawl into bed with me without a full bio-
I pull her apart and go to work on her insides with
soothing oils and bacti-sprays before moving on to her
barrel, launcher, and Direct Interface leads.
The helmet she came with has always been ridiculously
big, but it does the job -- I look and she fires, it’s a match
made in heaven.
After the full once over I slide her parts back together and
slip her over my shoulder where she likes to be.
I’ll shower later or tomorrow ‘cos today is the one day of
the month I bother to remember, Rent Day, and guess
what…? That’s right, I don’t have it.
I’m surprised the slum-bots haven’t burned through my
door yet, and then I remember what I set up before
passing out and it brings a smile to my face.
Three smokes left. God, what I wouldn’t give for a real
pack of cigarettes instead of this synthesized crap. Yeah
it’s cheaper and there’s no chance of cancer, but there’s
something to be said for the rush of real nicotine. Last
time I had that was years ago on Tyrell Pleasure Planet
Four. I remember Sadie bought me a pack of Menthol
Reals as an anniversary gift…but then that wasn’t really
me, was it?
The night blinks and crackles as I step out into
processed air and suck in a lungful. I figure Rita’s on
Rydel Avenue is as good a place to start as any. A glance
at my cred tube tells me I can actually afford a cab.
I raise my hand in the air and a big yellow boxy thing
glides down from the rust colored canopy that passes for a
sky around here.
“Where to?” Guy behind the driving column has metallic
spaghetti pouring out of the back of his head into the
dashboard. A Rigger, never had one of them before.
“Rita’s on Rydel.”
“Snog, brutha.” He smiles at me through the rear view
mirror and lifts off into Montague street traffic.
Burning garbage cans, Slam-addicts, blackened husks of
burned out hovers, yeah, nothing like the sights of home.
The air traffic is hot tonight as the Richies fly themselves
toward some fancy night of authentic meat and real
alcoholic drinks. We commoners have to settle for
Simhol. Tastes just like the real thing, is what the
commercials say.
There are more crazy homeless than regular working Joes
on the streets. Candidates for spare parts, but the static in
my bloodstream doesn’t want to pop homeless, I need a
real challenge.
Rita’s is packed as usual and good old Vincent the Freak
is working the door.
He usually lets me in without any hassle, which is good
considering I couldn’t take him one on one if I had six
extra arms. Talk about jacked -- that guy can press a
loaded moving van over his head and not break a sweat. I
think he’s had his eyes enhanced with Starlight and
Infrared and I know he can hear a rat belch at 600 meters.
Lord knows he’s caught me talking enough shit from
across a crowded room at prime time with a wireless in
his regular ear. Rita pays him well enough I heard, but
that’s just ‘cause she’s shagging him.
“What’s the good word, Vin?” I step up after he lets a fat
chick in leather enter the bar.
“Stiffjacks were here poking around earlier.”
“No shit, what for?” I hate having to look up at him. I feel
like I’m talking to his nostrils.
“Shakedown Hour, you know, they all need their raises.
You comin’ in?”
“I gotta pay?”
He smirks and waves me in.
“Don’t get beat up tonight, huh, Dexter?”
“I’ll try.” I smile and flip him the finger before diving into
a sea of painted bodies and laser lights.
Rita’s is the most happening place this side of town, lots
of drugs, gambling, strippers, both real and holographic,
and some of the best sim-porn available.
“Dexter!” I recognize that voice and turn with a frozen
“Hey Paccheco, how ya’ been?”
“Ay papi, you don’t know what kind of night it’s been,
the fucking stiffjacks were here before and they turned the
place upside down looking for who knows what until Rita
had a ‘private’ meeting with them in her office! Private,
please mijo, private my ass, she had to shell out the creds
or they were gonna take all our asses in and you know I
can’t take that nasty ass water they have in jail! It is
murder on my skin.” He examines the back of his hand
for a moment as if picturing red blotches or something,
and frowns.
Paccheco’s alright, he usually knows the skinny on what’s
what. “Give me the goods, missy, I need to score some
creds tonight.”
He rubs a thin finger across his sculpted chin and surveys
the crowd. “You see that big black guy over there by
himself at the corner of the bar…yeah him, well I hear
he’s hiring.”
“For what?” I light a sim-smoke and stare over at the guy
in question. Broad shoulders, wide back, big arms, could
be undercover, or a merc…or he could just be a body
“I don’t know but from what I heard it’s not the kind of
thing you fill out an application for.” He giggles and flips
his dark blue hair back over his shoulder.
“Thanks Pac, I owe you one.” I pat him on the shoulder as
I walk past.
“Please mister, you been saying that for a year now. You
need to at least make a deposit before I close the teller
I make my way over to the guy and squeeze in between
him and a Sparkler with red hair and a nose chain. Freaky
people, call ‘em Sparklers on account of that glitter effect
they all have, always look at you like they know a secret
about you. Something you don’t even know.
I order a shot of Cool Hand Luke and glance at the black
guy on my right. He’s built like a brick wall and has more
external mods in his head than I do in my whole body.
“Those look expensive.” I tell him as the bartender hands
me my shot.
“That’s expensive.” He growls and nods at my shot glass.
“Better off with a beer.”
“Hasn’t been real beer around here since there was real
I down the shot and my insides turn to ice for a split
second. The shivers come next but the good kind, and
then that funny snuggly feeling which means the booze
has found the brain.
“So I hear you’re looking for workers?”
He eyes me sideways before returning to his drink. “And
who told you that?”
“A little bird with blue hair.”
“Oh -- him. Who knows you here?”
“Everyone, why?”
“”Cos if you’re a Stiffjack, you and me are gonna have
“I look like a goddamn cop?” I turn to face him as he
closes one eye and looks me up and down.
“Okay, you’re clean.”
“What was that? You scan me?”
“And then some. Dexter Rollins, age 33, former military
turned merc, been locked up six times, three of which you
actually deserved, you were married to…”
“Skip ahead.” Wonder if I look as pissed as I sound.
“Alright…no kids, no family to speak of aside from a
grandfather on Earth who goes to a Rejuvi-House once
every six months because he’s not ready to go until you
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