Homemaker – March 2015, HomeMaker
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//-->CREATIVE IDEAS FOR YOUR HOMEPRIZES UP FOR GRABSPROCOOKMAKING STYLING KNITTING STITCHINGBAKING & MORELOvE BAKINGMake top treats with yourcute cookie cuttersREMARKABLERESTORATIONSTURN A TATTY WARDROBEINTO A ROCOCO-STYLEBOUDOIR WONDERmake sometonightSEE WHAT ERICDID WITH THISISSUE’S FREE GIFTFLOWER POWERHOW TO DISPLAYPERFECT BLOOMSGLASETCH SEXPLINGAINEDSPRING SPECIALTAKE YOUR PICK OFTEN CHARMINGCELEBRATION MAKESISSUE 29DONE IN A DAYCREATE A TEA-CUP LIGHTREVAMP WICKER BASKETSCUSTOMISE A DOORMAT£4.99PLUS: Framed Monogram•Pom-pom Tea Cosy•Crafter’s Lap Tray•Lavender HeartsIt’s March already and I’m reallyfeeling the love for 2015. Somuch so that I want to reflectthis bright mood in my home.This is such a great time of yearas the outdoors begin to bloom withcolour, the nights are showing thepromise of lightening up and, comethe start of April, we can rewardourselves with a well-earned longweekend for Easter.We want to help you prepare forthis little treat in the calendar bygiving you loads of ideas for a greatlooking spring soiree – check outour plethora of party projects onpage 19 and take a look at a superquick and easy way of presenting29ssuechI rsweetie gifts on page 42.ma 15If you’re after something20more ‘meaty’ then you won’t bedisappointed – our furniture revampsare sure to satisfy. Carole Smillietotally transforms a rat-bittenwardrobe into something worthy of a Rococo boudoir on page 36 and CorinneBradd turns a tattered footstool into a colourful weaved wonder on page 50.There’s something for everyone in this issue. You bakers will have great funusing our gift of heart-shaped cookie cutters, admired by Eric Lanlard no less.See how he found them on page 30. Stitchers can have a ball with AmandaWalker’s amazing lap-tray on page 106 and make a little gift for themselves.And, for those who like to try a new challenge, our new designer Lucy Passhas something really special as she shows you how to make a lampshade froma cup and saucer – have a peek on page 44.We adore making and hope you enjoy our projects. We’d really love to knowwhat you want to see more of in future issues. So whether you’re up for thechallenge of a large stitched project or would like to explore more quick-winupcycles, we want to hear from you, just email me at the address below. And don’tforget to share your creative triumphs with us. Please get in touch via Facebookand Twitter – you never know, your creation could even make it into the mag!Happy homemaking,IMAGE © MARKSANDSPENCER.COMavefun!HEllaEDITOR’S FAVOURITES:Homemaker, 1 Phoenix Court, HawkinsRoad, Colchester, Essex, CO2 8JYwww.homemakermagazine.co.ukHead to our website to downloadfree templates when you see this iconGet in touchPINEAPPLE CANDLESTICK,£17.50,MARKSANDSPENCER.COMHIGHLAND SIX-DRAWERCHEST, £299,BHS.CO.UKFLAMINGO TEALIGHTHOLDER, £18.50,DEBENHAMS.COM*Price correct at time of printELLA JOHNSTON, EDITORella.johnston@aceville.co.uk34HOW WE MADEMEET THE TEAMEDITORElla Johnston01206 505994ella.johnston@aceville.co.ukDEPUTY EDITORSian Tomlinson01206 505488sian.tomlinson@aceville.co.ukEDITORIAL ASSISTANTFrancesca Cowling01206 505990francesca.cowling@aceville.co.ukGROUP EDITORLynn MartinART DIRECTORSarah MayesDESIGNERSSarah Mayes, Ami Williams,STUDIO MANAGERLee WhitefordCONTRIBUTING WRITERSSophia Danielsson-Waters, LaurenAnthony, Molly Todd, Jenessa WilliamsPHOTOGRAPHYCliQQ 01206 855477www.cliqq.co.ukPUBLISHINGPublishing Director: Helen TudorPublishing Assistant: Paula TaylorSUBSCRIPTION ENQUIRIES01795 414730homemaker@sevicehelpline.co.ukMARKETING MANAGERAndrea Dicksonandrea.dickson@aceville.co.ukGROUP ADVERTISING MANAGERMartin Lack 01206 505940martin.lack@aceville.co.ukACCOUNT MANAGERGina Geremia 01206 505476gina@aceville.co.ukACCOUNT EXECUTIVEGemma Davies 01206 505955gemma.davies@aceville.co.ukACCOUNTSPhilip Bale 01206 505907NEWSTRADE SALESMarketforce 0203 148 3300COVER:Cookies made by Elizabeth HudsonNext issue on sale:27 March 2015Homemaker is published by Aceville PublicationsLtd., Co No. 04109672. 21/23 PhoenixCourt, Hawkins Road, Colchester, Essex, CO28JY. Printed in the UK by Wyndeham Heron. Allrights reserved. Garments or accessories madefrom projects published by Homemaker are forpersonal use only and cannot be sold. Multiplecopies of any part of this publication may not bemade, and no part of this publication whether inits original form or a reproduction thereof may besold. All projects and patterns featured withinHomemaker are reproduced in good faith thatthey do not infringe any copyright. All publishedprices are correct at time of going to press butare subject to change.© Aceville Publications Ltd. 2015ISSUE 29MARCH 2015Go to page 50 and learneasy weavingMake this luxuriouswreath on page 25We love Lucy Pass’light on page 44MEET OUR CONTRIBUTORSFounder of yay retro!, SueBradshaw, tells us whyshe’s so keen onkitchenalia on page 56.Knitting hero Nikki Trench’sadorable bobble hat eggcosies on page 74 reallymade us smileGreat British Bake OffFinalist Ruby Tandohwhips up an array ofsweet treats page 66TV star Carol Smilie wowsus on page 36 bytransforming a wardrobeinto something really lovelyThe amazing Lucy Passbrightens up our tableson page 58 with a fabprint projectAmanda Walker hascreated the ultimate makefor crafters.Check out herlaptray on page 106.5 things welove aboutthis issue{•Eating lots of heart-shaped cookies•Adorning the office with daffodils•Going crazy with the gold paint•Munching too many mini eggs•Getting nostalgic about kitchenware5
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