Homes March 2015, Budownictwo

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//-->AFFORDABLEALL AUSSIESTYLEREADERS’ HOMES+EXPERT TIPS+DIYs+SHOPPING+FOODtyleily sfame–a lovely homateyou can crehowir tipsrs share thereadeSee pg 121$30,000WIN a50+kitchenGREAT(all$30and under)buysHOW TO get the mostbang for your buckBATHROOMCHEAT SHEETS*Kitchen gadget holder*Magazine rack*Laundry bin*Comfy beanbag*Coiled-rope matEASY DIYPROJECTSWIN ONE OF 7 FAMILY STAYS IN THE AUSSIE HOLIDAY HOME OF YOUR CHOICE!MPP APPROVED 100020122jectseasy DIY proMARCH $4.95 incl. GSTbuyer’sguidequick mealsmake it! sterrariumr$5000 exteriorenoscotty’s DIYTHE EXPERTSCHERIE BARBER + JAMES TREBLE + DALE VINE + DR LISA CHIMES + SCOTTY CAMCONTENTS(AFFORDABLE,E A S Y,DOABLE)H O M E S+EVERYISSUEIN THIS ISSUEMeet our talentedhomeowners andhomes+experts.PR ACTICALIDEAS13MAKE IT!See howpaint tins canbe transformed fiveways– into a bench,a side table, a metallicpendant light, planterpots, or even small,colour-coordinated storagetins to keep your thingsorganised. These projectsare easy to make yourselfand start from only $3.80– what a bargain!EASY DIYNeed a creative outlet?Get your DIY on and makea copper magazine rackto store and display yourmags, a large rope mat,an extremely handykitchen-gadget holder,laundry bins to sort yourwashing out, and a brightand comfy beanbag thatwill be perfect for the kids.Each project is practicaland easy to makeandthe best part is they wontblow the budget.BARGAINBUYS$30 & UNDERWe’ve uncoveredatreasure trove ofbeautiful objects foreach room of yourhomeincluding thebedroom, bathroom,lounge and kitchen– and all of them withan affordable pricetag. Choose fromcontemporary, classic,beachy or country –whatever suits your style!BEST BUYSThis month we’re bringingyou thebest vacuumson the market so yourhome can beclean anddust-free at all times.From upright or bagless,to stick vacuums andeven compact handhelddesigns, we’ve got yourhousework sorted.READERH OM ESCONTEMPORARYAmy O’Mara’s modern homein Sydney is filled with brightcolours and bold pieces. Shetook a neutral backdrop andlayered it with her ownfreshand vibrant style.682938VIEWAGetextra contentonyour phone or tablet.ON THE COVERThis month, we meetAmy O’Mara, her husbandPete and their two kidsAxel, two, and Priscilla,six months. Amy and Petehave turned their homein Sydney’s NorthernBeaches into aspaciousand colourful haven.462098WELCOME TO HOMES+Style is for everyoneand your home is allabout making you happy.Say hello tohomes+– a magazine thatdelivers accessible,practical and easyideas that we hope willbrighten your month.– Thehomes+team.COUNTRYFriends and family are alwayscoming to stay at Lisa Dyce’shome in Noosa Heads. Set on20 acres, with its own artist’sstudio, it’s theperfectcountry retreat.CLASSICWith only a few minorchanges, atimeless terracein Melbournehas proved to bethe perfect home for CarmelMembery and her family.54BEACHYMaree Nicolaci and herhusband John renovatedtheir bungalow in Northcote,Victoria, and turned it intoarelaxed coastal space withits own built-in art studiofor Maree to work from.62HOMESPLUSMAG.COM.AUFACEBOOK.COM/HOMESPLUSMAG@HOMESPLUSMAG@HOMESPLUSMAGEASYFOOD71MEAL PLANNERFeeling frazzled at theend of a busy day doesn’thelp when you’re thinkingabout what you’re goingto cook for dinner. That’swhere we come in. We’vetaken the headache outof mealtimes with ourmonthly meal planner.Broken down into weeks,the planner will do allthe work for you. Yourfamily will thank you forit, we promise.BEFORE& AFTERRENOSZONING RENOBarry Du Bois helps Bhaktiand Mananzone out theiropen-plan home in Sydneyand turn it into a stylishspace that reflects thecouple’s Indian heritage.MYB A C K YA R DBACKYARDTRANSFORMATIONA dated backyard has beenmade into akid-friendlyoasis that is bursting withcolour,making it fun for allmembers of the family.PLUSLOA DSMORE10112SUBSCRIBESubscribe tohomes+.TRAVELOur picks for the bestholiday rental propertiesaround Australia.8910194APPLE TARTAstep-by-step guidetomaking a delicious appletart. Perfect for afternoontea with friends or asa special dessert for thefamily, this simple treatwill be sure to satisfy anysweet tooth.86EXTERIORMAKEOVERRenovation guru CherieBarber shows you howto give your front yarda makeover in order toincrease your home’sstreet appeal– and foronly around $5000.122THE $1000 LIVINGROOM MAKEOVERSarà Lanesman didn’tknow what to do with hermonochromatic living roomthat lacked in personality.That’s whereSuper StylistJackie came to the rescueto give the space theinjection of colour it neededwith $1000 worth of productthat Sarà could keep.105GREEN SCREENSOur gardening expert DaleVine shares his tips on howtocreate your own privateoasis with well-chosenscreening plants,and howto care for them.106GARDEN DIYMake your ownterrariumusing an old jar or bowl.They’re super easy to createand add a touch of greeneryto any space.HEALTHTips for a healthy life inyour 30s, 40s, 50s and 60s.DECOR TIPSJames Treble shares his tipsfor a functional bathroom.114116120125THE BLOCKCheck out the living roomchallenge from TVsThe Block.108GARDEN & VEGIEPATCH PLANNERDale Vine discussesgardennecessitiesfor the approachof the cool autumn months.126128PET ADVICEDr Lisa Chimes answersyour pet problems.SCOTTY’S DIYScotty Cam makesa timber blackboard.COMPETITIONSWin some amazing prizes.STOCKISTSWhere to buy what youlove from this issue.129HOMESPLUSMAGPINTEREST.COM/HOMESPLUSMAGHOMESPLUSMAGHOMESPLUSMARCH 20155 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
