Hoffman Harold - THE ADVANCE KNIFE MAKERS MANUAL(1), Knifemaking
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Copyright (c) 2000 Harold Hoffman
If you want to learn how to make custom knives, folding knives, spring back knives, knife
repair, lock back knives, fix blades, knife, knives, this book has all the information that you will
need. It is an excellent book for the beginner or advanced craft person.
This manual shows you how to make all different types of custom knives, folding, spring
backs, fix, Damascus knives, knife blades, or learn how to repair all types of knives. This
book covers grinders, rigid, lock backs, blades, fix blades, fix blades, sharpening grinders,
and nickel-plating knives. This book has hundreds of drawings, and photos that you can
follow step-by-step as you make your first knife.
All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any
information storage and retrieval system, without the written consent of the publisher.
Action Books
7174 Hoffman Rd.
San Angelo, TX. 76905
Phone/Fax 915-655-5953
Harold Hoffman has through his 30 plus years of experience as a Gunsmith, Toolmaker and
Custom Knife maker has passed on to you through his books information that soon may be
lost or forgotten. His books are not intended for the person wanting to make a complete
firearm, but for learning basic shop tool making. The information found within his books is for
instructional purpose only. -- The titles DO NOT actual cover gun repair on firearms, but how
to make needed parts for firearms which is about 40% of all gun repair. Without this
information you will be severely limited in gun repair.
He first started gun repair when he was 18 years old doing minor repair for the farmers and
local hunters in the Bucklin, Kansas area. His main interest was how to make rifle barrels, as
he was an avid hunter. Moving into a bigger shop he bought a lathe and proceeded to learn
how to use it.
He wanted to find out how to make rifling buttons to rifle barrels, tool making, and learn
everything about making barrels. Over the years he became an expert toolmaker and how to
build most everything that was needed in the shop. The information found in his books will
show you how to make most of the equipment and tools needed in most shops.
After an eye accident he quit Gunsmithing and started writing books on everything that he
knew. He had so much difficulty finding any information that he wanted all this information that
he had learned in over 30 years to be available to everyone otherwise it would be lost.
His books are now about the only books available on Gunsmithing/Tool making, as most
publishers do not publish Gun or Gunsmithing books anymore.
If you want to learn how to make custom knives, folding knives, spring back knives, spring
back, lock backs, knife making books, making folding knives, knife repair, lock back knives,
making knives, knife making, fix blades, knife, knives, this book has all the information that
you will need. It is an excellent book for the beginner or advanced craft person.
This manual shows you how to make all different types of custom knives, folding, spring
backs, fix, Damascus knives, knife blades, or learn how to repair all types of knives. This
book covers grinders, rigid, lock backs, blades, fix blades, fix blades, sharpening grinders,
and nickel-plating knives. This book has hundreds of drawings, and photos that you can
follow step-by-step as you make your first knife.
All rights reserved. No parts of this publication may be reproduced or transmitted in any form
or by any means, electronic or mechanical, including photocopy, recording, or any
information storage and retrieval system, without the written consent of the publisher.
Make your own knife? Now, that may sound strange to most people. Why would you want to
do this, when there are so many low price and attractive knives for sale?
Many people have asked me this many times. Most people are satisfied with a small knife
that they can carry in their pocket. They use it to clean their fingernails, open envelopes, etc.
Others want a hunting knife that they can pry or pound on in splitting out game. If they lose it,
so what, it did not cost much.
The small majority of people look at a knife as a very important tool, one to take care of, and
not to be without. These people want a knife that will last a long time, or a lifetime. They also
want a knife that will hold an edge, and sharpens easily.
Most people that make knives, or thinking about making knives, are not satisfied with the
knives that are available. Making their own is one way to get what they want.
This book is about making fix blades, folders, spring backs and Lock backs. I will show the
reader how to make these knives in this book, as well as many other processes that will be
useful as well as save you much time. I also go into the advance phase of the Knife Makers
art that includes casting of special parts and fittings. This will allow a higher profit margin on
duplicated knives.
I will show the reader how to make one or a dozen knives, using patterns or templates. This
method eliminates hours of work on the knife. After making a dozen or more knives, you can
expect to be able to make a first class folder in eight hours or less.
The equipment needed is not that expensive, and most people that like to make things will
have some of the equipment that I will describe in the next chapter.
Each knife that you build can be a beauty, and a work of art. It will surprise you of the beauty
and the uniqueness of the knives you build. They are sleek and graceful, and you can build
each with your personal touch.
I do not normally go into the making of fix blade knives, but the casting of special parts will be
valuable to you in this area. I made most of my knives as fix blades for more than forty years.
I started make folders about five years ago and from that time on have made nothing but
folders. Folders are for me much easier than ridged knives, and more useful.
Do not let other knife makers discourage you from making folders? Many that I have met
have told me they tried to make one and it took twice as long to make as a fix blade. They
are right. If you try to make a folder, using the same methods as making a fix blade, it will
take a long time.
The secret is as stated above is the template. I make the template from 1/16 tool steel, fitted
as you would a regular knife, and heat-treated. Once this is done, I just take minutes to fit a
knife. Without this template, it would take hours.
Many processes discussed in this book are basic machine shop practices, but do apply to
the knife maker.
Another advantage in making your own knife is that you can select steel that will meet your
requirements. After heat-treating the blade, you can draw the blade (temper) to meet your
This book will give you all the basic instructions that you will need. It will also tell you how to
make some tools that you need in the shop.
Harold Hoffman
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