Honda Goldwing GL1200 A and D Service Manual-0114C, Honda Goldwing GL1200

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//-->SHOP][~d"'"GL1 200CJ~\\JrGL1 200AaGL12000- GL 1200AHONDA~HOW TO USE THIS MANUALThis shop manual describes the technical featuresCONTENTSand servicing procedures for the GOLD WING (Gl·12000) and GOLD WING ASPENCADE IGL 1200A).Follow the Maintenance Schedule (Section 31 re-commendations to ensure that the vehicle is in peakoperating condition,Throughout the manual, the following abbreviationsgoldwingdocs.comare used to identify individual types.CODEIlUJIIIGENERAL INFORMATIONLUBRICATIONMAINTENANCEFUEL SYSTEM•.:•~ENGINEREMOVAL/INSTALLATION.AREA (TYPE)Europe--EDEFCOOLING SYSTEMCYLINOER HEAOIVALVECLUTCHALTERNATOR/STARTER CLUTCH/ENGINE REAR COVER111----.U.K.FranceGermanyGZUAustraliaSouth AfricaNorthern EuropeSwitzerlandSwedenSANDSD'"ZUJ~SWPerforming the first scheduled maintenance is veryimportant.Itcompensates for the initial wear thatoccurs during the break-in period.Sections 1 through 3 apply to the whole motorcycle,while sections 4 through 20 describe parts of themotorcycle, grouped act:ording to location,find the section you want on this page, then turn tothe table of contents on page 1 of that section.III= = = = = = =IECRANKSHAFT/PISTON;::oT===RA=N~SM===IS::.:S~IO=:N::.:/::.:S=H=IF=T=L=IN=:K~A=G=:E====mWHEELS/STEERING~r.1=SU=S=P=E::':N=:S::':IO=N==========OI~Most sections start with an assembly or systemillustration, service information and troubleshootingfor the section, The subsequent pages give detailedprocedures.e-J<3;;;IIFINAL ORIVEHYORAULIC BRAKESBATTERY/CHARGING SYSTEMIt1m~~.lISftl:If you are not familiar with this motorcycle, read theTECHNICAL FEATURES in Section 21.If you don't know the source of the trouble, go tosection 22, TROUBLESHOOTING.ALL INFORMATION, ILLUSTRATIONS, 01·RECTIONS AND SPECIFICATIONS INCLUD·ED IN THIS PUBLICATION ARE BASEDON THE LATEST PRODUCT INFORMATIONAVAILABLE AT THE TIME OF APPROVALFOR PRINTING. HONDA MOTOR CO.,LTD. RESERVES THE RIGHT TO MAKECHANGES AT ANY TIME WITHOUT NO·TlCE AND WITHOUT INCURRING ANYOBLIGATION WHATEVER.NO PART OF THIS PUBLICATION MAYBE REPRODUCED WITHOUT WRITTENPERMISSION.I~IL-J~1-~L.=1G=:N=:IT==I::.:O==N=S=:Y==S::.:T::.:E::.:M======~UlSTARTER SYSTEMLIGHTS/SWITCHES/INSTRUMENTSm~..:;::oA::.:C=:C=:E=::S::.:S::.:O::.:R::=1E::.:S,=========,fl!TECHNICAL FEATURES======~QJ_TLR_OLULBLLLELS_HLOLO_TLINLG:L-EEHONDA MOTOR CO., LTD.SERVICE PUBLICATIONS OFFICE,.......'-"~HONDA~GL1200D'GL1200AGENERAL SAFETYSERVICE RULESMODEL IDENTIFICATIONSPEC I FICATIONSTOROUE VALUES1•1-11-11-21-41-6GENERAL INFORMATIONTOOLSSERVICE DATAWIRING DIAGRAMCABLE & HARNESS ROUTING1-81-101-151-21IIIgoldwingdocs.comGENERAL SAFETYIf rhe engine must be nwniflgfado somework,makeSUferheOfeG is well-I'enrilated. Nel'er mil the enginc ina closed area. The exhOllsl contains poisonous carbonmOl/oxide gas.Tile barterl' electrolyte contains sulfuric acid. Protectyour eyes. skill and clothillg. In case of conract flushIhorollghly with water andcalla docTorifelectrolytc gelSin yOllf eyes.Gasolineisextremely flammable and is explosil'e undercertain comfitiolls. DoflO!smoke or allow flames Of sparksillyourworking area.The hauery generates hydrogen gas which can be highlyeX/J!osil'e.Do/lotsmokeor allowFamesor sparks near /hebottery, especiallywIllIechargingit.SERVICE RULES1.Use genuine HONDA or HONDA-recommended parts and lubricants or their equivalent. Parts that do not meet HONDA'sdesign specifications may damage the motorcycle.2.Use the special tools designed for this product.3.Use only metric tools when servicing this motorcycle. Metric bolts, nuts. and screws are not interchangeable with Englishfasteners. The use of incorrect tools and fasteners may damage the motorcycle.4.Install new gaskets,a·rings,cotter pins. lock plates, etc. when reassembling.5.When tightening bolts or nuls, begin with larger-diameter or inner bolts first and tighten to the specified torque diagonallyin2-3steps, unless a particular sequence is specified.-6.Clean parts in high flash point cleaning solvent upon disassembly. Lubricate any sliding surfaces before reassembly.7.After reassembly, check all parts for proper installation and operation.8.Refer to Cable&Harness Routing (pages '-21 through 1·27) when routing cables, hoses or electrical wires.'--'/'1 -1GENERAL INFORMATION~HONDA~GL1200D'GL1200A--MODEL IDENTIFICATIONgoldwingdocs.comGOLD WING (GL 12000)GOLD WING ASPENCADE (GL1200A)FRAME SERIAL NUMBERThe frame serial number is stamped on the right side of thesteering head.1-2G\HONDA~GL1200D'GL1200AGENERAL INFORMATIONgoldwingdocs.comENGINE SERIAL NUMBERFINAL DRIVE SERIAL NUMBERThe final drive serial number is on the final drive case nearthe pinion flange as shown.. AThe engine serial number is stamped on the top right side ofthe engine case.rhecarburetoridentificationnumbers arestamped on the13ch carburetor bodies.The color label is attached to the location shown. Whenordering a color-coded part, always specify its designatedcolor.1 -3 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
