Hokkaido drive map2, Turystyka zagranica, Japonia, Mapy
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//-->Nature ParksHokkaido is a land of majestic nature and showsa different face each season.To protect and to promote trouble-free use ofsuch magnificent landscapes of Mother Nature,nature parks were developed.Hokkaido has 23 national nature parks wherevisitors can enjoy nature in countless ways.Model Itineraries●Sapporo-Otaru-Hakodate Course (4 days & 3 nights)Visit three popular cities!礼文空港●利尻空港稚内空港●Kushiro-Akan-Mashu-Abashiri Course (4 days & 3 nights)Kita Okhostk PrefecturalNature ParkTake a trip around eastern Hokkaido!Kushiro → Lake Akanstay→ Lake Kussharo→ Kawayustay→ Lake Mashu → AbashiristayDrive safelySurrounded by nature, driving on wide roads with scenic landscapes in itself is funin Hokkaido. Yet, an accident will spoil such pleasure.Rishiri-Rebun-SarobetsuNational Park●Abashiri-Shiretoko Course (4 days & 3 nights)Shumarinai PrefecturalNature Park“Drive Slowly in Hokkaido”Don’ just travel from place to place, but enjoy the scenery flowing togethertin a tapestry of colors.Hakodate (stay) → Onuma Quasi-national Park → Lake Toya (stay) → Noboribtesu → Sapporostay→ OtaruA journey to visit the unspoiled regionof ShiretokoAbashiristay→ Koshimizu → Utorostay→ Rausu→ Nakashibetsu → Kushirostayオホーツク紋別空港Akan National ParkThis park boasts of primeval landscapes, atapestry of forests, lakes and volcanoes, whichare peculiar to the northern area. Lake Akan,listed in the“Ramsar Convention of Wetlands,”is the only natural habitat of marimo in Japan.Daisetsuzan National ParkThis mountain park features the DaisetsuzanMountains.The highest peak, Asahidake, is known as theroof of Hokkaido.The park has many scenic spots such asSounkyo and Lake Shikaribetsu.Shikotsu-Toya National ParkThisparkwelcomesvisitorsandwithuniquegeographicalfeaturesphenomenaassociated with volcanic activity: two large craterlakes of Shikotsu and Toya, active volcanoes ofUsu and Tarumae, and many hot springs withwater gushing out of the ground in many places.●Southern Hokkaido Course (4 days & 3 nights)A journey full of romantic and historicscenes of Hokkaido’ developmentsHakodate (stay) → Kamiiso → Matsumae (stay)→ Esashi (stay) → Onuma Quasi-National ParkPedestrians come firstWhen it comes to road traffic, pedestrians haveprecedence over vehicles. We must drive safely and notget in the way of pedestrians. Especially when seeingchildren, the elderly, and the physically challenged, slowdown or stop. Always be attentive while driving.Keep to the leftThe lane/s for vehicles is/are on the left side ofthe centerline. When obliged to drive on the rightside, pay full attention to oncoming vehicles andkeep to the left except when passing.Shiretoko National ParkAbashiriQuasi-nationalPark女満別空港Shokanbetsu-Teuri-YagishiriQuasi-national ParkTeshiodake PrefecturalNature ParkIncluded in the World Natural Heritage ListIn July, 2005Shiretoko Peninsula and its surrounding sea area●旭川空港●Sapporo-Asahikawa-Furano Course (4 days & 3 nights)Enjoy the popular venues of Asahikawa'sAsahiyama Zoo and FuranoSapporo (stay) → Asahikawastay→ Biei→ KamifuranostayOR Furanostay●AkanNationalPark●Sharidake PrefecturalNature Park根室中標津空港●Furano-AshibetsuPrefecturalNature Park丘珠空港DaisetsuzanNational Park●Niseko-Shakotan-Otaru KaiganQuasi-national Park●Taisetsu-Tokachi Course (4 days & 3 nights)Four days to savor thegifts of Hokkaido'sbountiful natureKariba-MotsutaPrefecturalNature ParkNopporo ShinrinKouen PrefecturalNature ParkNopporo Forest Park新千歳空港Kushiro ShitsugenNational ParkNotsuke-Furen PrefecturalNature Park●たんちょう釧路空港●Okhotsk Course (4 days & 3 nights)とかち帯広空港Shikotsu-ToyaNational ParkAkkeshi PrefecturalNature ParkUplifting cities in the northern areaand Okhotsk SeaKitami → Onneyu Onsenstay→ Ikutahara → Engaru→ Lake Saromastay→ MombetsustaySeatbelts and Child SeatsIn accidents, seatbelts are the lifeline that will protectyou. While driving, please ensure that everyone in thecar has his or her seat belt fastened. All small childrenmust sit in child seats.Right-hand driveThe majority of Japanese cars have the steering wheel, light andturn signal levers on the right side, and the wiper and gear leverson the left. Be sure to check their positions before driving toprevent panicking when having to make a quick decision.Shiretoko National ParkShiretoko Peninsula is said to be the onlyprimeval terrain left in Japan.In July 2005, it was listed as a World HeritageSite.The park features a primeval and diverseecosystem that is concentrated in one area.Rishiri-Rebun-Sarobetsu National ParkThis national nature park is situated in thenorthernmost region of Japan and boasts ofdiverselandscapes:RishiriIsland,RebunIsland, and the Sarobetsu Plain.The Sarobetsu Plain is a marsh and is listed inthe“Ramsar Convention of Wetlands.”Kushiro Shitsugen National ParkThis park is unique because most of the areaconsists of a large marsh that is adjacent to thedowntown area.The major area of the marsh is listed in the“RamsarConvention of Wetlands” and it is also theprecious habitat of the sacred Japanese cranes.奥尻空港HiyamaAsahikawaPrefectural→ Sounkyo (stay)Nature Park→ Kamikawa → Biei→ Furanostay→ Tokachi Onsenstay→ ObihiroMatsumae-Onuma Quasi-national ParkHidaka Sanmyaku-ErimoQuasi-national Park●Wakkanai-Rishiri-Rebun Course (4 days & 3 nights)A journey to the northernmost isolated islandswith abundant natureWakkanai → Rishishi Islandstay→ Rebun Islandstay→ Cape Soya → WakkanaistayEsan PrefecturalNature Park●½館空港YagoshiPrefecturalNature ParkNam esAkan National ParkDaisetsuzan National ParkShikotsu-Toya National ParkShiretoko National ParkRishiri-Rebun-Sarobetsu National ParkKushiro Shitsugen National ParkAbashiri Quasi-national ParkOnuma Quasi-national ParkNiseko-Shakotan-Otaru Kaigan Quasi-national ParkHidaka Sanmyaku-Erimo Quasi-national ParkShokanbetsu-Teuri-Yagishiri Quasi-national ParkAkkeshi Prefectural Nature ParkFurano-Ashibetsu Prefectural Nature ParkHiyama Prefectural Nature ParkEsan Prefectural Nature ParkNotsuke-Furen Prefectural Nature ParkMatsumae-Yagoshi Prefectural Nature ParkKita Okhostk Prefectural Nature ParkNopporo Shinrin Kouen Prefectural Nature Park Nopporo Forest ParkKariba-Motsuta Prefectural Nature ParkShumarinai Prefectural Nature ParkTeshiodake Prefectural Nature ParkSharidake Prefectural Nature ParkMu n icipa lit ie sKUSHIRO BIHORO TSUBETSU KIYOSATO KOSHIMIZU OZORA ASHORO SHIBECHA TESHIKAGA SHIRANUKA NAKASHIBETSUFURANO HIGASHIKAWA BIEI KAMIKAWA KAMIFURANO MINAMIFURANO SHIHORO KAMISHIHORO SHIKAOI SHINTOKUSAPPORO CHITOSE ENIWA TOMAKOMAI NOBORIBETSU DATE NISEKO MAKKARI KIMOBETSU KYOGOKU KUTCHAN SOBETSU SHIRAOI TOYAKOSHARI RAUSUWAKKANAI HORONOBE TOYOTOMI REBUN RISHIRI RISHIRIFUJIKUSHIRO KUSHIRO SHIBECHA TSURUIABASHIRI KITAMI SHARI KOSHIMIZU SAROMA YUBETSU OZORANANAE SHIKABE MORIOTARU RANKOSHI NISEKO KUTCHAN KYOWA IWANAI TOMARI KAMOENAI SHAKOTAN FURUBIRA YOICHIOBIHIRO HIDAKA BIRATORI NIIKAPPU URAKAWA SAMANI ERIMO SHINHIDAKA SHIMIZU MEMURO NAKASATSUNAI TAIKI HIROOISHIKARI SHINTOTSUKAWA URYU HOKURYU MASHIKE HABOROKUSHIRO AKKESHI HAMANAKAYUBARI ASHIBETSU MIKASA FURANO MINAMIFURANOYAKUMO ESASHI KAMINOKUNI OTOBE OKUSHIRI SETANAHAKODATE NANAE SHIKABENEMURO BETSUKAI SHIBETSUMATSUMAE FUKUSHIMA SHIRIUCHISARUFUTSU HAMATONBETSU ESASHISAPPORO EBETSU KITAHIROSHIMASETANA SHIMAMAKI SUTTSUSHIBETSU HOROKANAI HABORO ENBETSUSHIBETSU SHIMOKAWA TAKINOUE NISHIOKOPPESHARI KIYOSATO SHIBETSUBe eco-friendly drivers.Global warming has become a worldwide problem. To protect and ensure thatcoming generations can also enjoy nature, let’ be eco-friendly.s Eco-driving is:○Friendly to the globe-reduces CO2and noise.○Friendly to the wallet-saves fuel costs.○Friendly to everyone-contributes to safe driving.Mobile phones are banned○Start the engine just before you depart!Idling consumes more fuel than necessary.Have everything ready and start the engine just before youdepart.In summer, park in the shade and/or openthe windows before departing to keep theinside cool. Reduce idling time and theuse of the air-conditioner.The use of a mobile phone while driving diverts ourattention and, therefore, is very dangerous. To usea mobile phone, one must pull over to a safe placesuch as theshoulder ofthe road or aparking lot.Traffic at intersectionsA sudden right or left turn without signaling andchecking lanes is very dangerous.○To turn left, approach the left side of the roadfirst and put on the turn signal before turning.○To turn right, approach the center of the roadfirst and put on the turn signal before turning.Drive the inside of the center at intersections.Be fully aware of oncoming vehicles while driving.○Where a right/left turn is designated with anarrow, enter the designated turning lane andput on the turn signal.○Start the engine and accelerate gradually!A sudden start and acceleration have only bad effects andno benefits whatsoever.Step on the accelerator softly and press down gradually.Make a time-flexible plan that you candrive and be at ease with yourself.Changing lanes○Keep a constant speed!The more the speed increases or decreases, the more fuel isconsumed. Especially in the suburbs, keep the speed asconstant as possible.Keep your distance soyou do not have to slam on the brakesor accelerate unnecessarily.A sudden change of lanes is very dangerous. Tochange lanes, first put on the turn signal, checkthe rear and side mirrors and turn your head tobe sure that your surroundings are clear.○Use engine braking!The use of engine braking reduces the consumption of fuel.When you slow down or stop, release the accelerator anduse engine braking effectively.The use of engine braking on downwardslopes can decrease the heating effect oftoo frequent braking (Prevent the footbrake from heating up).Hokkaido in winterHokkaido is a winter enthusiast's wonderland.Forgive the cold and take in this world blanketed in white and full of winteramusements. Put on warm clothing and enjoy to the fullest the powder snow andbeautiful landscapes that you can see only in winter.HokkaidoEventCalendarDaytime-Lights-On MovementDaytime-Lights-On Movement isa campaign to promote the prevention of traffic accidents by driving withlights on during the daytime.Hokkaido foodCrabs and salmon-gifts from the bountiful seas thatsurround the island. Melons and potatoes-gifts from theabundant fields. Milk and jingiskan (lamb barbecue)-giftsfrom the verdant pastures. Hokkaido is a treasure house ofthe very finest food available. Savor them all to the fullest.(Hot Springs)Onsens in HokkaidoHokkaido, a hot spring paradise, has nearly 800facilities that can accommodate stays and one-dayvisits. Hot springs vary in quality according to locationand region. All across Hokkaido, we can enjoy bothfamous and unfrequented hot springs in harmony withtheir landscapes.By driving with lights on:○Drivers raise their own awareness of safe driving.○Drivers draw the attention of other drivers and pedestrians.○Drivers make it easy for others to notice the existence and position oftheir cars.Matsumae Cherry Blossom FestivalOtaru Snow FestivalHokkaido Heso/Bellybutton FestivalWhile driving, always keep the car lights on.CrabsHokkaido is famous for: horsehaircrabs, king crabs and snowcrabs. The taste of fresh crabis superb.Ice floesIce floes can be seen in the sea areas around Hokkaidosuch as off the shore of the Okhotsk Sea. You can see andenjoy ice floes from an icebreaker or from a train window.Diamond dustOn some rare and very cold days in winter, icecrystals form in the air, are reflected by thesunlight, and glow like diamonds floating in the air.SushiHokkaido is surrounded bybountiful seas on all sides.Indulge yourself in the giftsfrom the seas.Fishing for wakasagi(Japanese smelt)Drill a hole in a frozen pond and enjoywakasagifishing.Skiing, snowboarding and riding snowmobilesFor about half a year, from November throughMay at the latest, Hokkaido enjoys skiing,snowboarding and riding snowmobiles.Kamiyubetsu Tulip FairN ameMatsumae Cherry Blossom FestivalEsashi Oiwake National ChampionshipHakodate Christmas FantasyLake Toya Long-run Fireworks DisplaysOtaru Ushio FestivalSapporo Summer FestivalNoboribetsu Jigoku Matsuri (Hell Festival)Sapporo White IlluminationChitose-Lake Shikotsu Ice FestivalSapporo Snow Lit-Up VenuesOtaru Snow FestivalHokkaido Balloon FestivalMunicipalitiesMATSUMAEE S A S H IHAKODATET O Y A K OO T A R USAPPORONOBORIBETSUSAPPOROCHITOSESAPPOROO T A R USOBETSUKAMIFURANONAKAFURANOF U R A N OKAMIKAWAASAHIKAWAKAMIYUBETSUO Z O R ATAKINOUEABASHIRIMONBETSUS H A R IKAMISHIHOROI K E D ASHIKAOIKUSHIROAKKESHITESHIKAGAKUSHIROMarimo Festival Se asonsLate April to late MayMid-SeptemberDecember 1st to 25thLate April to late OctoberLate JulyLate July to mid-AugustLate AugustMid-November to mid-FebruaryLate January to mid-FebruaryEarly to mid-FebruaryEarly to mid-FebruaryLate FebruaryMid-JulyMid-JulyLate JulyLate January to late MarchEarly to mid-FebruaryEarly May to early JuneEarly May to early JuneEarly May to early JuneEarly to mid-FebruaryEarly to mid-FebruaryEarly February to late MarchEarly AugustEarly OctoberMid-January to late MayEarly OctoberEarly OctoberLate December to late MayLate January to late MaySafe, secure, and comfortable drivingusing MAPCODE andthe car navigation systemMAPCODE is an up-to ten-digit number that identifies locations.By inputting into the car navigation system the MAPCODE of the placeyou want to visit, you can easily set a destination and view the route.By using MAPCODE, you will have a safe, secure, and comfortable drive. This mark is the sign of MAPCODE. There are many MAPCODEsother than those shown on this map. Obtain MAPCODE as follows:NYunokawa OnsenMizunashi Kaihin OnsenNigorikawa OnsenGinkonyuamesMunicipalitiesHAKODATEHAKODATEMORIY A K U M OY A K U M OY A K U M OOSHAMANBEIMAKANESAPPOROSAPPOROO T A R URANKOSHIRANKOSHIRANKOSHIRANKOSHIN I S E K OKUTCHANNOBORIBETSUNOBORIBETSUDATESHIRAOIT O Y A K OKAMIKAWATenninkyou OnsenAsahidake OnsenShirogane OnsenTokachidake OnsenFukiagerotennoyuToyotomi OnsenOnneyu OnsenN amesMunicipalitiesHIGASHIKAWAHIGASHIKAWABIEIKAMIFURANOKAMIFURANOTOYOTOMIK I T A M IABASHIRIS H A R IS H A R IOTOFUKEKAMISHIHOROSHIKAOISHIKAOISHINTOKUKUSHIROTESHIKAGATESHIKAGATESHIKAGANAKASHIBETSUR A U S UR A U S UHiratanai Keikoku KumanoyuRamen noodlesFamous varieties: miso ramen of Sapporo,soy sauce ramen of Asahikawa, salt ramenof Hakodate and thin ramen noodles ofKushiro. Each shop has its own specialtaste. It is fun to compare the ramenserved in various shops and regions.Fruit and vegetablesSweet melons, juicy apples,crisp potatoes and savory corn.In-season fruit and vegetablesare truly magnificent.Kenichi OnsenFutamata Radium OnsenOkupirika OnsenJozankei OnsenShikotsuko OnsenAsarigawa OnsenNiseko Yumoto OnsenNiimi OnsenNiseko Yakushi OnsenKonbu OnsenNiseko Goshiki OnsenHirafu OnsenNoboribetsu OnsenKarurusu OnsenAbashiri Kohan OnsenKamuiwakka YunotakiUtoro OnsenTokachigawa OnsenNukabira OnsenShikaribetsu Kohan OnsenKanno OnsenTomuraushi OnsenAkankohan OnsenKawayu OnsenMashu OnsenKussharoko Kotan OnsenYoroushi OnsenKumanoyuRausu OnsenWinter roads are extremely slippery.Vehicles are prone to skid on snow and ice. Even with winter tires, vehiclesare five times more prone to slip than in summer. Especially in winter, refrainfrom speeding and keep your distance while driving.1.User registrationThe issuance of MAPCODE requires membershipregistration. Please access the MAPCODEhomepage on the Internet and register.2.MAPCODE issuing serviceAfter user registration, an ID and a password willbe sent by e-mail. The MAPCODE issuing service isavailable at“User Confirmation”on the homepage.○No“sudden”maneuversA sudden start, a sudden turn of the wheel, sudden brakes andsudden acceleration.... Such“sudden”maneuvers are especiallydangerous on winter roads. Maneuver and drive slowly.Sudden maneuvers reduce the gripping force of winter tires and can cause your vehicle to behave unpredictably.Showa-Shinzan International Yukigassen (Snowball Fight)Kamifurano Lavendar & Fireworks Festival Nakafurano Lavendar Festival Hokkaido Heso/Bellybutton FestivalSounkyo Hyoubaku Matsuri(FrozenWaterfall Festival)Asahikawa Winter FestivalKamiyubetsu Tulip Fair“Nonky Land”Moss Phlox FestivalFairy Tale Village Takinoue Moss Phlox FestivalAbashiri Okhotsk Ice Floe FestivalMomubetsu Ice Floe FestivalShiretoko FantasiaHokkaido Balloon FestivalAutumn Wine FestivalShikaribetsu Kotan (Igloo Village)Marimo Festival Akkeshi Oyster FestivalDiamond Dust in KAWAYUAkan Frozen Lake Festival※The user registration service mentioned above is for individual users only.Soft ice creamInput into your carnavigation system theMAPCODE of the placeyou want to visit.※For a detailed setupmethod, see the operatingmanual attached to yourcar navigation system.Jingiskan(lamb barbecue)Hokkaido’ signature dish: lambsroasted dynamically on a dome-shaped pan. The vegetablescooked together with the lambalso taste superb.Kita Yuzawa OnsenKojouhama OnsenToyako OnsenSounkyo Onsen○Black ice is dangerous.Frozen road surfaces are polished by the tires and shine likemirrors. This is particularly dangerous on winter roads.Drive at a moderate speed.The road surface, polished by idling engines and tires, becomes shiny in places where driversoften start and stop vehicles. Be attentive especially at crossings in downtown areas.This nine-digitnumber is aMAPCODE.Full of fresh milk from cowsraised on Hokkaido's lush greenpastures.References: Hokkaido Tourist Association Hokkaido (detailed map, hot springs, tangible experiences, flower landscapes, events)○Uneven breaking is a signal of danger.In the event of a skid or slip, the braking sets off the ABS, and then the vehicleautomatically brings the brake force under control in the best way possible. Whenthis happens, the brake pedal touch feels uneven or trembles to warn the driver. Evenif the pedal feels uneven or trembles, continue pushing on the brake pedal firmly.The ABS prevents the tires from locking but does not shorten the distance to a full stop. Setting-off the ABSmeans that the tires have exceeded their limits. Therefore, reduce speed and continue to drive slowly.!The car navigationsystem will guideyou to yourdestination."Had a drink? Do NOT drive.When you are going to drive, do NOT drink.Alcohol tastes good after a hot bath and goes well withdelicious food. Yet, driving after drinking is extremelydangerous and is against the Japanese law. Drivers mustnot drink at all. After consuming even a small amount ofalcohol, do not drive at all. It is also against the law to urgea driver to drink, or to lend a vehicle to or ride together witha driver who has had a drink. Please take this law seriously.Drunk driving and penaltiesLe ga l de finitionsDriving in the state of having 0.15 mg or more of alcohol inone liter of exhaled breath, or 0.3 mg or more of alcohol inone milliter of blood.Driving in the state of being drunk.(Being unable to drive normally due to the influence ofalcohol)Driving a vehicle in the state where normal driving is difficultdue to the influence of alcohol,which results in wounding and/or killing a person/s.Pe naltie sImprisonment up to 3 years and/or a fine up to 500,000 yenYou have arrived!Imprisonment up to 5 years and/or a fine up to 1,000,000 yenImprisonment up to 20 yearsReferences: Hokkaido Tourist Association※MAPCODE is the registered trademark of DENSO Co. Ltd. The MAPCODE on this map was offered by the courtesy of the MAPCODE Center Service. Reproducing MAPCODE without permission is prohibited.※Severe punishment is imposed on those who tolerate or encourage drunk driving by providing a driver/s a vehicle/s and/or alcohol and/or ride together with the driver/s.※Driving with a hangover is also considered drunk driving. Drink moderately the night before driving.
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