Hotel and tourism Hotel i turystyka e, e-książki, onepress

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//-->Business Englishporadnikbiznesowo--językowykieszonkowyjęzyk angielski biznesowy1BUSINESS ENGLISHhotel and tourismBusiness Englishkieszonkowyporadnikbiznesowo-językowyfot. jenny w.Opracowanie:Roman KozierkiewiczColorful Mediatel. 61 833 63 28, ENGLISHHotel and TourismTourism is one of the world’s largest indus-tries with total value of services providedamounting globally to billions of U.S. dol-lars annually. Travel and tourist industry isvery diverse, not merely limited to the pro-viders of hospitality and transport by road,air and sea. There are also a huge numberof ancillary services such as the provisionof car rental, travel insurance, passportand visa services, health requirements,foreign currency and traveller’s cheques,information services provided by nationaland local tourist boards and guiding serv-ices. The present selection of terms cov-ers only a very limited scope of activitiesrelated to hotel and tourist industry.3BUSINESS ENGLISHaccommodate–to provide lodging for someoneaccompanying baggage–baggage belonging to a passengerwho is travelling in the same plane–the total time that an aircraft spends in thespent waiting on the groundair carrier–a company which sends cargo or passengers by airAmerican plan–a hotel charge that includes all meals as wellas the room chargeaparthotel–a hotel which is formed of a series of furnished roomsor suites– hotel apartamentowyAbaby-sitting service–a service provided by a hotel, wherea baby-sitter comes to the hotel room to look after a baby when theparents are out of the roombanquet–a large formal dinner for many people– bankietbanqueting room–a room in a hotel where banquets areorganized– sala bankietowabeach hotel–a hotel that is on or near a beachbed and breakfast–a tariff in a hotel or guesthouse coveringa night's lodging and breakfast4BUSINESS ENGLISHBBermuda plan–a hotel tariff including accommodation and a fullEnglish breakfastbooking–an arrangement to have something such as a seat, hotelroom or table in a restaurant– rezerwacjabrunch–a meal served in the morning and early afternoon betweenabout 9.00 and 2.30 which is combination of breakfast and lunchcancellation–the act of stopping something that has beenagreed or plannedcatering–the business of supplying food and drink for partiesor similar eventsclimbing–the sport of climbing mountainscloakroom–a room where people can leave coats and hats whengoing into e.g. a restaurant, theatre or museum– szatnia; garderobaclosing time–when a pub stops selling alcohol– pora zamykania (np. sklepu,coach tour–a tour of various places in a coach– wycieczkaautokarowacold buffet–a buffet with cold dishes to choose from– zimnybuffetconference venue–a place where a conference is being held– miejsce konferencjiC5BUSINESS ENGLISH [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
