Homebuilding and renovating 2015 05, Budownictwo
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//-->EXTENSIONS | SELFBUILDS | RENOVATIONS | CONVERSIONS‘Wish We’dKnown ThatBeforeWeStarted’25Key Tips forRenovatorsLOFTGDesign TipsGGreat IdeasGProject AdviceGCostsOakFrameHomesBUILDERCONTRACTSfor Britain’s Best-Selling Self-BuildMagazineNewLook!CONVERSIONSBUILDINGMATERIALSWhat to PayWindowsfor ModernHomesDo You Need One?Visit Britain’s Best Website for Self-Builders and Renovators athomebuilding.co.ukhomebuilding.co.uk 1Here comes the sun...and instant alfresco dining...Nowthat’sOriginalthinking.Origin opens up all sorts of fresh ideas…Food always tastes better in the open air.So why not dine on the patio, on impulse?With Origin Bi-fold Doors, it’s easy.A delicious addition to any home, they’re custom-made andprecision-engineered in Britain, as are our fabulous bespokeelectric blinds and superb new aluminium windows.And with a huge range of colours and finishes availableacross all Origin’s products, you can make sure theyperfectly match your taste.Tel:0808 168 5816Email:hello@origin-global.comVisit:www.origin-global.com@OriginBifoldsOriginFramesUKHOMEProjects, advice and inspiration for your home223639425557607074808390178COVER STORY: An Oak Frame Self-buildA rural plot makes way for two self-builds,including an oak frame forever homeOak Frame Home GalleryOur pick of the most inspiring projectsGetting Utility Rooms RightHow to plan and design the perfect spaceA Timber-Clad Scottish CabinA new contemporary self-build on theIsle of Skye, built for just £125,00022Before & After DesignA contemporary extension adds styleand space to a dated 1930s homeDesign Detail: Curved Window RevealsThe practical know-how behind this featureA Brilliant Barn ConversionA dilapidated Grade II-listed stone barn istransformed into one couple’s perfect homeQuick Ideas for Contemporary WindowsDesign ideas for glazing in modern homesDesigner’s View: Jane Duncan ArchitectsThe story behind a striking contemporaryextension to a bungalow42Five-Minute Expert: Shower EnclosuresWhat you need to know, plus the latest designsQuick Ideas For Every RoomFive rooms, five nuggets of expert design adviceAn Innovative Cohousing SchemeOne London cohousing project creates six newunique homes and showcases a new way of livingMy Big Idea: Galleried LandingsOne designer shares their favourite design concept60Homebuilding & renovating 5
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