Hudud al-Alam. The regions of the world a Persian geography, Historia, Pisemne źródła

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//-->E. J. W. GIBB MEMORIALSERIESNEW SERIES, XIHUDÜD al-cÄLAM‘THE REGIONS OF THE W ORLD’A P E R S IA N G E O G R A P H Y3 7 2A.H.— 982 A.D.TRANSLATED AND EXPLAINED BYV. M IN O R S K YSecond EditionWITH THE PREFACE BYV. V. BARTHOLDTRANSLATED FROM THE RUSSIANAND WITH ADDITIONAL MATERIALBY THE LATE PROFESSOR MINORSKYEDITED BYC. E. BOSWORTHPUBLISHED AND DISTRIBUTED BY THETRUSTEES OFTHE “E.J.W. GIBB MEMORIAL” ,A ll rights reserved. No part of this book may bereproduced in any form by mimeograph or anyother means without permission in writing fromthe publishers.Θ E.J.W. Gibb Memorial Trust1st Edition19372nd Edition1970Reprinted1982ISBN0906094 038Produced in association with Book Production Consultants,Cambridge, EnglandReprinted at the University Press, CambridgeThis Volume is oneof a Seriespublished by the Trustees of the“ E. J. W. GIBB MEMORIAL”The Funds of this Memorial are derived from the Interest accruing from aSum of money given b the late MRS. GIBB of Glasgow, to perpetuate thetyMemory of her beloved SonELIAS JOHN WILKINSON GIBBand to promote those researches into the History, Literature, Philosophy andReligion of the Turks, Persians and Arabs, to which, from his Youth upwards,until his premature and deeply lamented Death in his forty-fifth year, onDecember5,1901, his life was devoted.4tThese are our works, these works our souls display,Behold our works when w have passed away ”e,C L E R K O F TH E T R U S TP. R. Bligh, F.C.A.c/o Spicer and PeglerLeda House, Station RoadΡ οτηΚ η/ί/τβ fnivlon/1 [ Pobierz całość w formacie PDF ]
